Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekly Reflection 8

This week we worked on InDesign, which I am still really enjoying. We learned how to make business cards and cover letter, which I think are both very beneficial to know how to use. Learning about advertisements and brochures were also just has much helpful. The InDesign Composite was one of the more challenging composites I thought. We had to have so much information into one assignment so it was hard to come up with everything. All in all this week was good and beneficial for learning about this program.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Graphic Design Terms


Unity is a design element that brings balance and harmony to a work of art. When there is unity there is a sense of completion, and it is pleasing to the eye. To achieve unity you have to have similar colors and shapes throughout the work, fonts have to flow together, proximity of the shapes, repetition, and continuation. 

A good example of unity:
This advertisement for coke shows unity with the colors and shapes and text it uses throughout the entire picture. 


Consistency is similar to repetition and unity because it brings balance and harmony to a work of art.

A good example of consistency:

It is consistent with the people that make out the man, and the colors all work really well together and are consistent throughout the entire advertisement. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekly Reflection 7

This week we worked on the Illustrator Composite. I enjoyed this composite a lot more than the Photoshop one. The tutorials were very helpful, and I liked how creative you can be with Illustrator. Also, it was fun making a real logo that my brother can actually use for his business.